Triglav North Face - Skalaška route with Ladja (Gorenjska route)

The first climbers were Milan Gostiša and Pavla Jesih in 1929 (Skalaškaroute) and Joža Čop, Miha Potočnik and Stanko Tominšek in 1928 (Gorenjska route).

  • Diffuculty
  • Duration
    6-10 h (climbing time)
  • Route length
    1.000 m

It is one of the most beautiful level V routes in our area, with solid rock in the harder places and plenty of easier climbing. The most attractive part of the route comes above Gorenjski turnc – the characteristic Ladja (Ship), which is well visible from the valley too.

Skalaška smer z LadjoSkalaška route, Tilen Koranter