Triglav North Face - Slovenian Route

It was first climbed by wild hunters at the end of the 19th century. Various variants were later added by Tuma, Komac, Čop, Jug, Volkar, Prevec and others.

  • Diffuculty
  • Duration
    3-6 h (climbing time)
  • Route length
    800 m

The entrance is in an overhanging gable under the beam, which leads to the right in the direction of Nemška and to the left towards Macesni. The route is technically the easiest and most frequented, and due to the many entry and exit options, it is more demanding in terms of orientation. After a short entrance stretch, the variants disperse in the lower part and unite again under the White Plates.

slovenska kofler sportSlovenian Route, Gregor Kofler

Various entry points: Over Macesni, Kamini to the right of the Macesni, through Kamini, to the right of Kamini
Exit variants: Prevec exit, Direct exit, Frelih exit